I smoke e-cigarettes. Do I still have to pay smokers rates? E-cigs are popular. You would think that e-cigs would be clearly the better choice when it comes to smoking/ vaping. The FDA- Food and Drug Administration is a giant regulatory agency responsible for regulating the safety of drugs and food products in our country along with tobacco products. Some health professionals and consumers generally have no idea exactly what ingredients are contained in the e-cig formulation.
Because of this grey area due to lack of regulation, insurance companies find themselves not knowing exactly what to do when placing someone in a certain risk class. I have also read that there may be no way to tell what product (e-cig or regular cigarette) the person involved may be used during a blood test. The FDA has still not officially endorsed e-cigs as a safe alternative. The FDA will more than likely regulate e-cigarettes sometime in the future. My name is Mitch Winstead from Allstar Senior Benefits. Our website is www.allstarseniorbenefits.com. My toll-free number is 866-598-8170 or 910-452-1922. Our email is mitch@allstarseniorbenefits.com. I watched my brother and mother get COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from smoking cigarettes. As I grew up watching my Mom smoke, I knew one day she was going to have health problems. How does vaping compare? Well, we certainly know that some of the e-cigs do contain nicotine also found in cigarettes. A real concern is what exactly is in e-cigs? There have been some studies that certain formulations may contain carcinogens like formaldehyde and a chemical found in antifreeze.
All we know right now is it may be safer than cigarettes but it could also contain a dangerous chemical we are not being told about and could have serious health concerns later on. Anyway back to the subject of life insurance and e-cigarettes. How do they test a person’s blood for nicotine? They look for a substance called cotinine. Continine occurs when nicotine is metabolized and is the product that is found after nicotine has been ingested. Currently, some, not all life insurance companies are friendly to e-cig users which means you won’t pay smokers rates. Even some companies have a preferred tobacco class as they call it if you do use tobacco. Smokers rates, by and large, are 2-4 times higher for health and life insurance premiums. It can be very time consuming calling or going online to find reasonable rates for life insurance. It is best to talk to an insurance broker.
Please call me for a customized quote, you are under no obligation. Some insurance companies go back as far as 2 years ago if you quit for cheaper rates. Most are one year look back periods. So if you quit 8 months ago, life insurance companies like to see you kick the habit for at least a year. Most companies will ask you a question such as this: Have you used any form of tobacco or nicotine product in the past 12 months? You want to make sure that you tell the insurance company that you are an e-cigarette user. Here is another scenario what if I just stop smoking and I just started using e-cigarettes? The same rule applies that you have to be a non-tobacco user in the past 12 months.
I know of a life insurance company that give cigar smokers a preferred smoker or tobacco user rates. Some people have tried to fool life insurance companies during a urine test for term insurance. They are usually found out by the life insurance companies and offered a higher rate if you are accepted. I recommend that you ask your insurance agent/broker if preferred rates are available. It doesn’t hurt to ask. Historically at the time of the writing life insurance premiums are at all time lows. It is better if you obtain life insurance at the earliest age possible. That strategy will save you the most money. You can apply for life insurance with some of the top rated companies. With some of the companies, I have available you may get a significant discount on burial products which is huge. For example, if you take out 10,000 of life insurance most of that money is going to the funeral home NOT your loved ones. So it pays to be smart about your purchase. I have some of the best rates available and I will be willing to work within your budget. I won’t be one of the agents that go for the hard sell.
I will, however, convince you that you NEED life insurance. Everybody does especially if you have a family and a mortgage, car payments and credit cards. It is just the financially responsible thing to do. I don’t want to lecture you. I have actually known people that are in their 40’s with NO life insurance. Ugh. I am not pushing you to get a huge policy. Just get enough for your family to not be burdened.
Written by Mitch Winstead owner at Allstar Senior Benefits. We offer free advice and you are under no obligations. All of our policies are state regulated and there are no health exams. Everyone qualifies! Toll-free 866-598-8170 or 910-452-1922. Licensed nationwide. My website is www.allstarseniorbenefits.com. Our email address is mitch@allstarseneiorbenefits.com. Our facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/medsuppguru
If you would like a quote with no obligations, please click here and fill out the quote form https://allstarseniorbenefits.com/get-a-quote/#.W6ktqWhKhPY